Sunday, March 29, 2009

Numbers 11 and Ungratefulness

As I was reading this portion of Scripture today on it became repulsively real to me just how ungrateful we as human beings really are.

In a world of instant gratification so blatantly crammed in our faces by every form of media and peer influence imaginable; is it any wonder, we get so sidetracked and overloaded with what we "think" we need to be happy in this life?

Numbers 11 illustrates it so beautifully for us. Here we see all who were held as slaves in Egypt and now have been led out to freedom with Moses, grumbling over how "good" they had it as slaves and how tired they had become of the manna that God was providing for their well being and nutritional health. I mean, come on now; the God of the universe was giving them the finest food of all and here they were grumbling, crying out as whiners do "I know I have this Lord, but I WANT meat!" We're just never satisfied are we? And then we question why God is not pouring out blessings in our life.

Ask yourself with complete honesty today: "If I were God and gave them my absolute best, and still they whined and moaned and complained as if the best were not good enough for them; why would I want to give them anything more than what THEY chose to settle for?"

We have been given so much from God already, yet instead of giving Him THANKS for all that He's already done; we go to Him in prayer like He is some vending machine, meant to meet our every WANT. That's not how it works friends and we should be ashamed of our behaving this way toward the one that GAVE HIS ONLY SON so that we could actually LIVE!

And what a great example of God taking some of our burdens away from us when He came and spoke to Moses. Moses is telling God how burdened he is feeling by carrying the weight of all those he brought out of captivity; and what does God do? He tells Moses to bring 70 of the leaders of Israel and that HE will disperse some of the burden and responsibilities onto the 70 as well, so that Moses did not have to carry it all alone. Tell me that isn't a God that IS LOVE...tell me that HE doesn't want us to work Together and pour out HIS blessings on us undeserving wretches.

That's my ramble for the day friends. Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog and I pray this message has been a blessing to you as it was to me in reading it, disecting it and sharing the message with you.

For His Glory Alone ~



Tony H said...

Thanks Danny, Yeah it is interesting in light of all that's happening historically around us, why we don't wake up to the fact that we are pretty ungrateful people. So blessed as a nation, but the outcry is for more and more and now we're taking from those who haven't even been born yet to pay for it and we somehow get ourselves to think it's all good and our God will continue to keep blessing us. I would pray we church folks were different and walked a better example, but as you pointed out so well, our number one concern just in our prayers is for more and more. To be sure God is reaching some, but the masses are grumbling and that never has turned out well for us historically. No matter what, thanks for reminding us Danny and my prayer is with warriors like you we'll reach the hearts of many.

Unknown said...

Thank you Tony for taking the time to comment as well as for your friendship and leadership!