Sunday, April 26, 2009

Day 6 - Proverbs 6

Pride, Adultery, Ignorantly discarding Wisdom for Guidance, Playing with Fire expecting no retaliation or punishment in the end. These are all ways of foolishness that ultimately end up with a price to be paid.

We read about the things that the Lord despises: a lying tongue, haughty eyes, hands that kill the innocent, the heart that plots evil, feet that race to do wrong, a false witness that pours out lies and a person who causes discord among his/her own family.

If we want to remain strong in our faith; able to maintain a strong foundation against the wickedness of the world....if we wish to have any hope of finishing the race of life in a manner pleasing to God: we cannot take wise counsel lightly friends. Wisdom will put light to our pathway in the darkest of times. It will comfort us while we sleep and when we wake again; will lead us on the right paths in life that are filled with real peace, real knowledge and real endurance to finish the race well.

Lord we ask that you continually flood us with your Lamp of Truth. Shut our mouths and open our ears to truly HEAR your Wisdom. Humble us to accept that your ways are Higher than our ways and your Understanding of what's to come in our lives is much greater than we can see in our limited vision down here. Activate within each of us the power of the Holy Spirit to keep us on the righteous path of life and to throw up City Walls to block us from going the wrong way in life. Lead us to be humble, wise and obedient to all the teachings we receive from you; be they in your Word or through a loved one, trusted friend or local Pastor.

We love you Lord and seek you more daily that you may be Glorified in ALL we say, think and do.


Unknown said...

Danny, this was so good. My intentions are to listen and follow His wisdom, but me keeps getting in the way. And... I usually find this out in hindsight *sighs* He is working my heart tho. Keep writing Danny... it will bless many!!